The two courses are co-organised by Aalborg University and Roskilde University.

Johan Rønby, Roskilde University (RUC)

I have 13 years of experience as a user and developer of OpenFOAM® technology. I have specialised in numerical methods for interfacial flows, ocean wave simulation and fluid-structure interaction. I am member of the OpenFOAM® Technical Committee for Marine Applications and contribute actively to OpenFOAM at For more information about my work visit

Jakob Hærvig, Aalborg University (AAU)

I have worked with OpenFOAM® actively since 2013 and supervise approximately 15 students per year on master level in OpenFOAM related projects. In my own research I focus on numerical simulations of particle-laden flows involving both adhesive and non-adhesive particles as well as heat transfer applications. Read more about work at

Industrial guest lecturer

Niels Linnemann Nielsen

Started working with OpenFOAM 1.4.1 in my master thesis. Since I’ve always worked in industry being an expert in simulations and HPC. Primarily focusing on rotating machinery, turbulence, multiphase, CHT and optimisation workflows. Coupling CAD and simulations via optimisation is one of my main areas of interest. It provides the designer with unique insight into cause and effect of design changes. My focus in all this has always been open source as to not be limited by licenses in my daily work. You can see more of what i have made public at and

Previous guest lecturers

Niels Linnemann Nielsen (2022, 2023, 2024)

See above.

Kristian Christoffersen (2021)

I have been using OpenFOAM since my Master’s thesis in 2018 focusing on periodic modelling of methods for heat transfer enhancement. Since then, I have been working with industrial technology development with a simulation driven design approach to enable early and fast design iterations. My key areas of interest are automated workflows for parametric optimization as well as conjugate heat transfer simulations for electric motor cooling. You are always welcome to contact me on LinkedIn.