The course is a 5-day course aimed at users new to OpenFOAM and covers OpenFOAM basics and good practices. Every day the programme is from 9:00-16:30 with a lunch break 12:00-13:00. Also, we invite you to join us for pizza nights on Monday and Wednesday between 18:30-21:30.
Day 1
A walk through a simulation case from setting it up to analysing the results. Topics include:
- OpenFOAM versions and installing OpenFOAM
- Meshing tools and strategies (blockMesh)
- Boundary and initial conditions
- Numerical schemes and settings
- Diagnosing simulation during runtime
- Data visualisation with Paraview
Day 2
We dig deeper into the setup and analysis of simulation cases. Topics include:
- Basic meshing workflow using snappyHexMesh
- Turbulence modelling
- Running in serial, parallel and on clusters
- Mapping of fields between meshes
- Sampling and post-processing with functionObjects
Day 3
We look at how to use Python with an external optimisation routine that we will write in Python. This will be in an industrial context. Topics include:
- Parametric studies in OpenFOAM using Python
- Optimise geometries with OpenFOAM and Python in an industrial context
Day 4
We look at efficient workflows in OpenFOAM and code customisation. Topics include:
- Using Paraview efficiently
- Introduction to C++ programming in OpenFOAM
- Writing a new solver
Day 5
We take a deeper look at the OpenFOAM source code. Topics include:
- The OpenFOAM code base and its documentation
- Writing a new boundary condition
- Writing a new function object
The progams may be subject to minor changes.